2009 Scholarship recipients

    Maryland - Ms. Caroline Lay

            Caroline is planning on attending Monmouth University to eventually earn a medical             degree and become a pediatrician. Caroline was heavily involved in community service             during her time in high school and even volunteered at Sarah;s House - a homeless             shelter for women and families. Coincidentally, Eric's dad had volunteered there as well             teaching computer skills. Caroline also enjoyed playing soccer and running track in high             school. Caroline - it was a pleasure meeting you and we look forward to hearing great             things about you. God's best to you and your family!.

    Update October 2009

            Dear Mr. Herzberg, I just wanted to say hello and keep you update with my progress at             Monmouth University. The University is everything I hoped it would be, but much             harder! All of the class I am taking are honors, and my major is biology, so my
            schedule is full of science courses. I am also working part time in the biology lab, so I
            am keeping very busy! I do find time to have fun. We had a "Battle of the Buildings"
            tournament over the weekend where all of the dorm buildings competed against each
            other. I was on my dorm's obstacle course team. My dorm building turned out to be
            the champs! I'll keep you updated. Hope all is going well with you!

            Caroline Lay

            Dear Caroline - thanks so much for the update. The first year away from home can be
            tough but it seems you've managed to strike a good balance between work, study and
            having fun. Thats a great life lesson and one that is a constant challenge to do well.
            Many blessings to you and your family!

            Eric and Wendi

            Picture of Eric's Dad addressing the students
            Picture of Caroline and Eric's Dad
            Picture of Caroline, Eric's Dad and step-mom Wendi

    Previous Maryland Scholarship Winners

            2007 Maryland Scholarship Winner - Colleen Ferris
            2008 Maryland Scholarship Winner - Dan Godio

    Florida - Kyle Garcia

            Kyle is currently attending school at East Bay High School in Gibsonton, Florida. He was             born in California and moved to Florida when he was 2. He is a great athlete. Last year             in 8th grade he was voted most athletic. He LOVES soccer and has been playing since             he was 5. He loves the beach, vacation and of course hanging out with friends. He             really wants to go into culinary. That is his first passion but if that doesn't pan out (get             it??) he would like to do something in graphic design. He also loves his video games.

            One thing Justin Carman (Eric's good friend who presents the scholarship in Florida             each year) and his family will remember is parking lot jail. Yes - Justin somehow,             through very little fault of his own, managed to trap himself and his car in between the             entrance lever and the metal screen thats prevents unauthorized entry into the parking             garage. Just to make sure nobody EVER forgets that, we've included some pictures.

            Kyle - best of luck to you and congratulations. When you make it big as a chef - we're             coming for basted ginger salmon!

    Update November 2009

            Hi Mr. Herzberg - I'm sorry it has taken me so long but between school and work I
            don't ever seem to have a few minutes to myself. Things are going very well and I
            have received my first report card for 10th grade. A's B's and 1-C in Science. ( Not my
            favorite subject) but trying to raise the grade. I am taking Culinary this year and I
            really am having a good time. Hopefully one day I will be able to make you that
            Salmon you were talking about. I still plan on pursing my culinary dream but I also
            have thought about some kind of graphic design. I just hope I make up my mind by
            Senior year. I am still working at Winn Dixie bagging groceries, I have been there
            almost a year now. Well I hope that you are doing good and I want to say thank you
            again for opening up the gates to my future.

            Kyle Garcia

            Dear Kyle - thanks so much for the update. You have some great options open to you.
            Follow your passions and you will never regret it!

            Picture of Kyle Garcia with presenter Justin Carman and his mom Faith
            Picture of Kyle Garcia and Justin Carman
            Picture of Faith wondering why Justin is in jail
            Justin trying to bust out

    Previous Florida Scholarship Winners

            2007 Florida Scholarship Winner - Angel Lewis
            2008 Florida Scholarship Winner - Jessica Ramirez

Maryland Scholarship Information
Florida Scholarship Information
Past Scholarship Winners