Mona Shores Middle School

On June 13, 2009, approximately 95 students and chaparones from Mona Shores Middle School in Michigan met at Arlington Cemetery. Similar to their first meeting last year, Eric Wahlberg, a teacher at Mona Shores, arranged for the get together. Eric had struck on the idea two years ago to use the life of Marine Lance Corporal Eric Herzberg to help educate students at Mona Shores about civics, history, democracy and the role that our volunteer military plays in protecting freedom around the world.

Eric's family including his Dad (also named Eric), his step-mom Wendi, step-sisters Melissa and Melanie and step-brother Brendan met with the students on a beautiful summer afternoon. Four of the Mona Shores students had just participated in a wreath laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier including Tyler Scheibner and his cousin. Tyler's dad, Daniel Scheibner, had given his life for our country in August of 2007 while fighting in Iraq. This made the day even more significant.

As was the case last year, the afternoon was a very profound and emotional experience. Eric's father addressed the students, there were gifts and momentos exchanged, there was time for questions and answers, and photographs. Eric's dad presented Tyler with a West Point t-shirt after having learned from Tyler's mother Ann that he had aspirations to attend West Point. Not coincidentally - thats the same university Eric's dad went to school.

Most treasured were letters the Mona Shore students had written to Eric and to his family as well as a book about Arlington signed by the students. But most of all, it was a time of sharing love for Eric and all those of our military who sacrificed everything for the love of others. Many tears were shed. I know that most who were there will never forget this day.

Included below is a very small sample of the students letters as well as some of the pictures. One of the tradtions that was started last year was a photo of Eric Wahlberg with Eric's step-sister Melanie.

To the Mona Shores students, chaparones and to Eric Wahlberg, on behalf of our son Eric and his family, we want to say thank you for honoring him in this way. You have given us a precious gift and we are proud to call you our freinds.

Previous Year Visits

2008 Visit


Picture of Mona Shores students at Erics' gravesite
Picture of Eric's Dad and Tyler Scheibner
Picture of Mona Shores Chaparones
Picture of Eric Wahlberg and Erics' step-sister Melanie


Mona Shores student Stephanie Compton
Mona Shores student Serena N. Gale-Butto
Mona Shores student Kayleigh Dakin
Mona Shores student Nick Daniels
Mona Shores student Alissa Dykema
Mona Shores student Dan Bryant
Mona Shores student Marci Northuis
Mona Shores student Kiah Becka
Mona Shores student Lauren Yadlosky
Mona Shores student Jenna Lakus
Mona Shores student Hannah Hardy

Television and Video
Mona Shores Middle School