Mona Shores Middle School

In the spring of 2007, Eric Wahlberg, a teacher at Mona Shores Middle School in Michigan, saw the Memorial Day concert which featured Erics' story. He was inspired to use the story of Erics' life as one of the ways to teach his students about democracy and the price of freedom. He got in touch with Erics' father (also named Eric) to let him know how he was moved to use the example of Erics' life.

Through a series of correspondences bewteen the two Erics, it became a plan for the Mona Shores students to visit Erics' gravesite during their annual summer trip to Washington DC in 2008.

Erics' father, his wife Wendi and Wendi's children Melanie (10) and Brendan (9) met with 94 students and chaparones from Mona Shores on June 14th, 2008 - a cloudy, rainy Saturday. No one really knew what to expect. What happened was an experience that was truly profound and moving for everyone involved. Eric's father addressed the students, there were gifts and momentos exchanged, there was time for questions and answers, and photographs. But most of all, it was a time of sharing love for Eric and all those of our military who sacrificed everything for the love of others. Many tears were shed. No one who was there will ever forget it.

One of the most meaningful gifts was a folder with nearly 100 letters written by the students and staff to Eric and his family. Included below is a very small sample of these as well as some of the pictures.

To the Mona Shores students, chaparones and to Eric Wahlberg, on behalf of our son Eric and his family, we want to say thank you for honoring him in this way. By loving and remembering him, you have kept him alive in all our hearts. Thats the very best gift anyone can give.


Picture of Mona Shores students at Erics' gravesite
Picture of Eric Wahlberg and Erics' Father
Picture of Eric Wahlberg and Erics' step-sister Melanie
Picture of Erics' Father wearing Mona Shores shirt while playing worship music at church


Mona Shores student Taylor Jones
Mona Shores student Amy Peterson
Mona Shores students Emily Fischer, Liam Huth, Kimberley Al-Shatel and Madison D.

Television and Video
Mona Shores Middle School