Mona Shores School Visit – 2024
We were very fortunate this year. It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon on June 15, 2024 in Washington DC. It was 84 degrees with a nice breeze. The next Saturday was predicted to be 98 degrees, hot and muggy. There were 123 students and many chaperones from Mona Shores Middle School in Michigan visiting this […]

Mona Shores School Visit – 2023
On a beautiful Saturday afternoon on June 18, 2023 in Washington DC, 144 students and many chaperones from Mona Shores Middle School in Michigan met at Arlington Cemetery. With the exception of 2020 and 2021 (missed due to Covid), the kids from Mona Shores have stopped at Eric’s gravesite as part of their annual DC […]

Mona Shores School Visit – 2022
On a beautiful Saturday afternoon on June 11, 2022 in Washington DC, 147 students and many chaperones from Mona Shores Middle School in Michigan met at Arlington Cemetery. Alex Parr, a teacher at Mona Shores, made most of the coordination for the get together. This was the first time since Covid that Alex and the […]

Mona Shores School Visit – 2019
Another great day with 135 students and Mona Shores chaperones who visited Eric’s gravesite at Arlington National Cemetery. This is an annual event now, led by Mona Shores teacher Eric Wahlberg and his wife Karen. This was the 12th consecutive year for this event and it is an important way of teaching students about the price of freedom and to keep Eric’s memory alive at the same time!. The students spent 3 days in class learning about our son Eric, watching the movie “Taking Chance” and writing letters. Thank you Eric Wahlberg and Mona Shores!